10x10 South Florida Entrepreneurs Club Writing Challenge

This could go one of three ways

Miriam Dorsett
3 min readMar 22, 2021
Potential outcomes

Last week my new friends Mohnacky and Jeff invited me, and anyone else, to participate in a writing challenge. Sounded interesting. I’ve never participated in a writing challenge before!

When blog post inspiration strikes, it’s usually because I have an opinion on a current event or trend and I want to share it. IMMEDIATELY.

Here’s a dumbed down version of how my writing process goes sometimes:

The first draft starts off as somewhat of a rant, see my Twitter for some examples. I get all riled up and I write, and I write, and as I rewrite I try to take it to a more positive place. Why do I want this?

I don’t know about you, but I think the content I intake can influence my mood. From headlines, tweets, advertisements, long form, video and more, even if the influence is for a micro second, once I see the content I have to process it. That’s just how the eyes and the brain works.

Now I don’t know for sure, but I would think that those micro seconds of influence add up over time having a larger influence…



Miriam Dorsett

Hi! I’m an aficianado of loving life. I live mostly in Miami, & write from wherever. Like Nadura. Do Chibur. Believe #whynot!? Necessito practicar mi espanol.